Thursday, September 3, 2009

I draw things that actually exist sometimes

Here's a 'best of' collection from my spring/summer '09 observational sketchbook. Earlier this year I started using bic pens and prismacolor markers together, and have discovered that they are best bros for quick and non-crappy observation sketching. Cool.


Jeremiah's distinctive nose, and Jeremiah

Monkeys, Pt. I

Monkeys, Pt. II. I want to be friends with this one.

Apteryx Australis=Kiwi

People doing stuff

Hey, elephant

I can't remember what this bird was


My friend, the label maker

Ben, deep in thought

My friends in VT: one awful portrait and one amazing portrait

Christian Science Center: it looks like it's sunny out, but it was actually the middle of the night and so windy I couldn't hold my sketchbook open...

David, looking wistfully towards the horizon, dreaming of a better day

Dave, Pt. IIBPL

All in all, I think this is my best sketchbook series yet, and I'm really satisfied with the style and volume of stuff that I've put into it, especially in such a relatively short time and without any kind of school supervision or prodding. Speaking of which, that starts next week...

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